Indie Author Spotlight Submission

Indie  Author Spotlight Submission

Once upon a time, I wanted to write a book.  I had many ideas with various plots, so I wrote stories all of the time.  It would usually take me weeks to write a good story.  I would have to choose the best idea from among many, and develop what happened with the characters and the events of the stories.  My stories usually conclude with the main characters living on.

I published “A Collection of Tales” during the middle of May of 2014.

As far as a brief bio is concerned; check out the bios for my purchase links.  They are brief, too.  I want the stories to be what sells my book; I imagine knowing something about me may encourage the literate world to consider buying the book or “borrowing” it with their Amazon Prime account and Kindle device.  I have received absolutely no feedback on the book; the people I wrote the stories for loved them, so far.  It is not too hard for me to be brief when speaking of myself.  I really enjoyed writing and revising my book.  I have no college degree, however I do have over 100 hours of study under my belt.  That was over ten years ago; I learn everyday.  My new thing is blogging with Word Press; for quit some time I only spent my spare time writing the stories in my 90,000 word book.  They took me about two years to do; I work in the service industry/restaurants.  Once I finish these daily writing exercises for Writing 101, I plan to continue working on my next two novels.  They may take a while; we will see.  I have them planned out.  I spend most of my time working; I enjoy having the time to write about once a week when I am lucky.

Here are my book’s purchase links and Word Press blog site:

paperback edition one, “A Collection of Tales”

kindle edition, “A Collection of Tales”

my happy little blog – thank you Word Press 🙂

Here is the closest thing I have to a social media link, so far:

jcm3 author page

I wanted to write a book; I wrote one. As far as self publishing goes, it was going to cost me to publish the book; I found The book is now available. I am impressed with the services of Create Space. I have a copy of my own book, and I think it is wonderful. As an independent author, I have no deadlines. If my book sells many copies, I can spend more time reading writing. I am very proud to be a published independent author, even if I am the only person I know who has read my book. I revised every story many times.

I have not continued with social networking, my author page, or independent author forums hosted by, yet. I am taking some time away from that to blog for a good twenty days if possible. A few people have bought my book. I do not think very many people have seen it, yet. I have not yet sold ten copies. This book was for me, in some ways. You can notice that if you read it; three out of 34 stories may seem somewhat factional. In the epilogue, I talk about every story and relate various reasons for the stories’ inclusions into the set of narratives.

As far as traditional publishing and independent publishing are concerned, I think it depends on the author and whether he cares about the specifics of his writing style. No professional editor will allow split infinitives and the use of the passive voice as they can be used on purpose with independently formed grammar. If you want your piece of artwork to look how you want it to look, paint it on your own. Many first-time manuscript writers may find more success with traditional publishing, however. Sales may be more important to them. If a good agent catches the right artist, they can both find success. In summary, I think choosing the techniques of publishing largely depends on what the author is after and how they can handle achieving their personal goals. I wanted my words written my way – I do not have much of an opinion on writing a second edition, for now. I have two more great ideas for full-scale novels before I extravagantly enjoy time with another re-write of “A Collection of Tales”.

I decided that I wanted to be a writer in 2010 whenever I just did not have the time to develop software as a hobby. Of course you can type up a lot of code and read various help files; I did not have the time to produce a marketable result. I love to program computers – I did it for three years in college. I knew a great deal about programming in the C programming language, as well as over a hundred other forms of code. With software manufacture as sophisticated as it is these days, writing was more of an achievable goal. I was also inspired to do it due to various stories I wanted to tell – even if they were not actual real accounts. I like adventure and entertainment; these stories are for the enjoyment of all who will like them. I hope you do.

When you ask if my jobs have informed my writing, I would have to say, “No.” I work a lot and write because I can. I work to be able to sleep and eat – I do those things to write. I love writing all the time. I blog; I write letters. I remember fabulous ideas and plans for the future. I love the craft. I am now the happy author dreaming. 🙂

I enjoy the prose of over 90% of the fiction authors I know of. I like many books written by people who are no longer living. I like John Steinbeck, J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. S. Lewis, Steven King, John Grisham, Dean Koontze, authors, Thomas S. Kane, fiction writers in the online archives for “The New Yorker”, and many more. If I see a book I think I will like and have the time for, I will buy and read it. I will usually like it. I like fiction – fantasy, sci-fi, action, and all round good tales.

As far as authors influencing my writing is concerned, I have no direct influences. Some writers encourage us “neophytic” authors more than others. I enjoy seeing Stephen King’s lectures on writing – I do appreciate hearing what well-known authors have to say about their take on the writing process. I have been very impressed with the sentences of John Grisham. His use of our language is hard to surpass; it is nice to be able to read a book from cover to cover without too much difficulty. Once I have done some more writing, I plan to read various works of James Patterson and Jim Butcher.

I do not suppose that there is a great deal to know about me. I study the world as I can; I mean well.  I jog an average of five miles a day.  I am of the mind that a great story can be shared with many. I endure what praise of grammar that I can. I only dream of making enough money to one day become a professor of the English language. Tolkien studied it; many others have, too. As I am almost 40, I plan to continue writing even if college is not a possibility for some time. I am a people person and would enjoy discussing these stories with educators as well as others who read them. Thank you for your time and more power to the efforts you must have.

I wrote this for – thank you, Brian Marggraf; may your book sales increase 🙂 .

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